Thursday 29 September 2016

Lesson 105

I continue on the theme of happiness. Todays lesson is about peace and joy.

These last few days have been repetitive and although I don't mind that, I do find my mind is wondering from the lessons as I don't feel I am exploring any new concepts. Perhaps the point of the repetitiveness is to make putting happiness first second nature.

Is it becoming second nature for me? In small ways yes, but I haven't taken any big leaps away from everything that doesn't bring me peace. I was having a lunch with a friend the other day and we were discussing changing careers. I had so many excuses on why I couldn't at the moment make that leap. I have a child, I have a mortgage, I have other huge bills and the list of reasons why went on and on.

Should I be responsible yet not at peace or should I be trusting that everything will work out if I follow my heart?

I will continue the lessons and see if it becomes clear. 

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