Monday, 6 June 2016

The beginning

Hello my name is Joanne Webb and I am a control freak. 

Perhaps that sounds worse than the reality but I feel the need to control every single part of my life, I like to be the puppeteer of all that I do. The moment any part of my life starts slipping away from my control, I panic, I imagine all sorts of disasters and dramas about to come my way. 

Ever since I was a young child I have always been considered 'lucky'. My parents had a successful business , I was showered in love and I never wanted for anything. I did well at school, passing my 11+ exam when I wasn't expected to and as I grew older I had many friends, I was popular and always had a choice of boyfriends. After University I walked straight into a dream job in London, where I always said I wanted to work, I never thought anything bad could happen to me, the thought that I was expected to live anything other than a wonderful life never ever entered my imagination. Although I was technically spoilt I was also kind and sensitive, I always chose love over hate and I never ever judged anyone, my Dad and I have had and still do have many heated discussions about my liberalism! 

When my beautiful son, Henry was born everything changed. The world all of sudden became a very scary and dark place, I no longer had control. The birth was traumatic and I feel as if I let my son down because I couldn't give birth naturally and I also couldn't breastfeed despite trying everything, even writing this now stirs so many scary emotions. Henry was born with an infection which wasn't picked up until he was 5 days old and by that time he was so ill he was rushed into intensive care and it was touch and go, the consultant gave us the 'if he survives the night he will have a fighting chance' talk.  He did survive and is now the most incredible child but something inside me changed. I became fearful and realised life wasn't always incredible and bad things could happen to me. I vowed to control my life and never let go again.

To the outside world I now have the perfect job, I work in radio, I work with and have done for over 10 years with someone I grew up watching on TV and I also work with a Spice girl...I mean that surely is everyone's dream!  Although I do find it bizarre no one envy's my 2.45am alarm call every week day!  I live in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside, in a village with thatched cottages and a duck pond yet work in central London, with all the excitement that brings.  I have a wonderful family and I now have the long desired rescue dog and with him we have the most incredible countryside walks every weekend. 

All was going well as I felt I was in control, or so I thought, until recently. Relationships around me started to collapse, my amazing job changed beyond recognition and became so stressful and the money I earned no longer lasted the month, there were always unexpected bills arriving when I thought my financial situation was improving. A roof dripping, a nail in my car tyre or an expected gas bill etc! 

I felt my life was at a crossroads, I wanted to get back to feeling good just like I did before I felt I had to control absolutely every area of my life 

I had to change, life couldn't carry on like this and this is the start of my journey from fear to love.