Monday, 27 June 2016

Lesson 18

I watched the film 'Splash' over the weekend, yes the one about the mermaid. It's a running joke with my friends that it's my favourite film of all time. It certainly was when I was about 12, I watched it as often as I could, even now I know all the lines and I know the expressions Daryl Hannah pulls when Tom Hanks says some thing harsh.

After the film I reflected on two things, firstly the message of the film (although somewhat flimsy) is if you believe in something without question it will happen and I also reflected on the time I was 12 and how I watched the film over and over again. What did I want, true love, to be a mermaid, a happy ever after or a funny brother in law? I don't think it was any of that, I just liked the care free attitude of Madison the mermaid and I liked her outlook of 'why shouldn't it work I'm different but so what'.

I'm different, but I'm proud of that, for example I'm making an effort to stop biting my nails. To help I bought some nail varnish, my theory is if they look pretty I am more unlikely to bite! I have spent ages today trying to apply this baby pink nail varnish and it looks a mess! I must be the only (nearly) 40 year old women who can't do her own nails!

Lesson 18 is about reassuring myself I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing. Again I am to look around my environment and tell myself that I am not alone in these thoughts. It's the start of the belief that minds are joined.

All I know is when I looked around the room and saw the baby pink nail vanish bottle I thought 'maybe that isn't for me' and it is comforting to know someone else out there also feels the same. Maybe I'm not that different after all.

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