Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Lesson 7

There was no rubbish left on my desk when I arrived at work this morning, absolutely nothing, my desk was neat and tidy! Either the person responsible has been reading this or my change in attitude has sorted it. Either way I have the result I wanted, let's hope it continues!

I can't understand why I keep getting a shift in my mood, I am positive for most of the time but I keep getting injections of grumpiness. I listened to of one of my favorite Abraham Hicks speeches in the car on the way to work, the main message that came through was stop focusing on the negatives and keep in your mind positives about all the situations that are troubling me. Today any time I had a negative thought about anything that is bothering me or annoying me I rejected it and put a positive one about that subject in it's place.

Lesson 7 is to look at objects around me and state that 'I only see the past'. The explanation of the lesson claims that this could be difficult to believe at the start, but clearly I am getting how this all works, well much more than last week, as I got it almost straight away.

For example on the way to work I was carrying out the lesson, I looked around me and saw a shop which was open, at 4am(!) in front of the shop there were lots of different colourful fruits for sale. How did I know they were fruits and not brighly painted objects about to attack me (yes I know thats an extreme example!), because my past told me so. When I got to work I looked around the kitchen and looked at the mugs, I know they are mugs because my past has always presented them as drinking vessels. If I was at home and looked at the mugs in my kitchen I would have an emotional attachment to one mug in particular because I was given it went I left BBC Northampton about 20 years ago, again it's my past giving me that emotional tie.

What I still don't understand and I guess I'm not suppose to pre judge this, but I clearly am, is how these lessons so far are helping me. I am an impatient person as with lots of things in my life I like results quickly. I must keep telling myself this is a year longer journey and I don't have a choice so I better keep plodding on!

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