Thursday, 23 June 2016

Lesson 15

I'm not really sure what happened today. I was at work dealing with all the flooding in London, which was on a monumental scale, it was affecting the roads, the trains and the Underground. Usually during a situation like that I would be having a full on melt down. It's hard keeping up to date with so much information and as a perfectionist (and a desire to be in full control) I'm in an impossible situation. This morning something took over, not a voice or even an emotion just a desire to stay focused and methodical. I'm not saying I didn't get a little bit stressed or I didn't flap, but for about 80% of the time I didn't. 

I also had a moment when I got off the tube and started to walk to my car, I suddenly felt like I was on cloud nine. If you are a follower of Abraham Hicks you will understand when I say I was totally in the 'Vortex'. The Vortex is an expression used when you are so focused on being happy and appreciating all that is around. It's a state of mind that you should try and stay in for as long as possible, ideally always.  There was an odd moment though when I felt so enpowered by this energy I nearly complimented a teenage boy on his retro 'Micheal Jordon' Nike trainers! I did stop myself at the last moment to avoid any embarrassment! This afternoon just went so well for me, the traffic was fine, even along the stretches of road which are always busy, I had a nice text of a friend I haven't spoken to for a few months and when I got into my car and turned the radio on my favourite radio programme which is usually on Friday had been moved to today, Thursday. 

Lesson 15 is to tell myself that 'my thoughts are images that I have made' I am to again look around my environment and tell myself that over and over again. I'm still not completely understanding why I am telling myself these mantras and how they are helping. But I am finding that my mind is dealing with stressful situations a whole lot better. This is a year long course and I'm only two weeks in and I can already see the benefits, which I find incredible because I don't really understand what I am doing! 

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