The moon was incredible this morning. Although working very early in the morning is a struggle there are always advantages and driving on a motorway with very little traffic and seeing the full moon in a beautiful dark sky is one of them.
The moon inspired me to have a peaceful day despite what I was thinking or experiencing through out today. I have taken the step to stop worrying about what others think about me, if someone wants to misjudge me then that is their issue and to be honest their loss. This journey has been recieved with mixed reactions but those who truly care and love me although may not understand it have embraced it and totally supported me. My mother said she hasn't a clue what I am writing about but she will read it everyday and true friends are making lovely positive comments. I am working towards a better me, a peaceful me and a happier version of me.
To keep me on the path I listened to a lecture Dr Wayne Dyer gave back in 2012. He was a great follower of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin and Dyer talked around one of his most famous quotes
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spirtual beings having a human experience."
I like that idea and I have been holding that thought with me today and I have come to the conclusion that if we only get one shot at this human experience we better make it a good one.
Lesson 13 is again to look at the world in a meaningless way. This is to stimulate fear and to reconise where the ego takes over. I have practiced this 3 times today, at work, at the school gate and at home. The first and the second time I was comfortable but the third I wasn't and fear took over. I am presuming this is because I have far more emotional connection with my surroundings at home.
I have had a sneaky look at tomorrow's lesson and it certainly looks deeper than I have been used to! As always I have an open mind and a positive attitude. Let's continue this human experience!
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