Friday, 22 July 2016

Lesson 43

Lesson 43 continues on the same theme of separation, letting go of problems and putting trust that things will work.

I took my son to his first Karate lesson today and seeing his enthusiasm and concentration made me wonder when was the last time I went into anything with that attitude. Children don't start new projects fearing the worst, they go with the flow and enjoy the moment. My sons face when he was shown even the most basic karate moves was priceless. The first thing he said to me after the lesson was 'I can't wait to go back next week'. When in life did I start to worry that things will go wrong before they do? When in life did I stop enjoying just the moment? Is it something you lose as an adult or is it when your ego takes over?

I am working hard at not listening to my ego. When analysing our lives it is so easy to see that listening to your ego is the root of all upset and desperation and vow not to do it, but in reality when something happens to upset you or puts you off balance the ego screams at you and it is so strong it fights to take over.

The key is to remain balanced at all times, it's easy to do when everything is going well, the challenge is when something you perceive as not going so well pops up to keep the ego, which will be screaming at you to take over, away from your mind.

All this on paper is straight forward and so obvious but in reality it is very difficult but a challenge I am willing to work at.

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