Sunday, 3 July 2016

Lesson 24

I took my son to church this morning. It's something I do once a month as our local church holds a service which is designed just for children. To be honest it's more of a social occasion for the children and for us villagers to chat over a cup of tea. The theme of today's session was the Lords Prayer. The lady leading the group of children examined and broke down the prayer in a child friendly way and looked at exactly what it meant.

Listening to her explain the meaning behind the prayer made me think about the journey I am taking. She explained prayer was either being thankful, asking for help or rejoicing. There is nothing in the prayer which represents anger, being hurtful or seeking revenge which is often what our minds and even our actions do. Prayer is also a time of being at peace, which is exactly what I am looking for in my own mind.

Lesson 24 introduces a concept that I do not perceive my own best interests. When I think about situations that are troubling me, I obviously haven't been dealing them in the right way otherwise they wouldn't be an issue.

Although last Friday I had a situation that could have escalated and probably would have caused a lot of fall out and tension for some time. I have chosen to acknowledge the situation but now I have let it go. By doing this someone has got away with doing something hurtful and disrespectful to me but I am no longer worring about it and I am no longer flooded with feelings of seeking justice. The problem has gone. Could it come back again? Possibly. Does that person now see me as a walk over? Probably. But their view of me is not my concern. I just want what is best for my mind and now I don't have days and days on end of worry and upset. So I ultimately have what I am looking for which is of cause peace.

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