Sunday, 10 July 2016

Lesson 31

As often as I can I listen to Hay House Radio. It's essentially where Hay House (a publishing company set up by Louise Hay) authors have an hours slot and they talk and they take phone calls from the public. Sometimes there are presenters I have heard of and others I haven't. But each and every one of the presenters are inspirational.

One of the subjects today was about flow, about how your thoughts and mind flow in particular. It was interesting and totally understandable how when our minds are clear, you are just living in the moment and appreciating what you have around you, your flow works better. This is something I have been working on, I've been trying to clear my mind each day. The daily lesson gives me something to focus on and to take my mind off all the other daily worries.

Another discussion today on the radio was talking about not letting your past define you or hold you back. It really was just another way of discussing letting go of anything in the past which has been traumatic or upsetting. There are many examples of where the past holds people back. The most obvious is when you get your heart broken and then not taking the leap of faith into a new relationship which probably will be so much better than the original.

Today's lesson is similar to what I have been listening to today. I have had to say to myself  'I am not the victim of the world I see'. Behind this mantra is release, releasing any past hurt that influences the moment of now.

I'm letting go, albeit slowly, I can feel my mind clearing and the flow becoming easier. In fact daily life is becoming easier, very little bothers me and when I feel anything starting to irritate me, I just breath and tell myself over and over again it will get better and whatever it is will resolve itself.

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