Monday, 4 July 2016

Lesson 25

Lesson 25 is all about realising that the decisions we make, we make because of our ego.

I have been very guilty of this in the past and even in recent times. There are so many occasions when I have made a choice simply because I want to be to right or speaking out against something when it isn't even a subject that concerns me.

The letting go element of this course is really hitting home now. Each time I have a challenge big or small I now just let it be.

Today I flew with Ryan Air, it was only a short flight to Dublin but my goodness what a potentially stressful situation that could have been for me. The queues to get through security, the security point when you are all bunched up together trying to get your coat, your shoes and your bags into plastic containers and then the
worry that your baggage isn't going to fit in the overhead lockers.

I had the attitude of I am so happy I am flying to Dublin, I am going to be pleasant to all the staff I meet at the airport and what ever happens I will be in Dublin later today.  I kept telling myself nothing else matters.  It worked.

I am in Dublin writing, I've walked along the Liffey and it's true the Guinness does taste better here!

1 comment:

  1. Take Care And En Joy... Dublin's Coasts... And Guinness !!! En Joy Their People Who Are So Much Pleasant... En Joy LIFE !!! <3
