Sunday, 11 September 2016

Lesson 92

Todays lesson concentrates on light and again on strength.

After yesterdays wobble I am feeling both strong and weak. Strong because I picked myself up so quickly but weak as I can see how things can still affect me. I am determined to not let anything get in the way of my happiness, but to do that I have to let go of anything that doesn't make me happy or change my view of the situation. 

For example I can't just walk out on my job! There are, like most people experience, many aspects of my work I love, but equally there are many I can't stand. So why have I let the negatives out shine the positives, which I have so many times in the past. I have let one small part of my job ruin all the good. I have worked through that now and I can see the way forward. I am absolutely determined, as today's lesson stresses, not let the darkness take over the light.

As for other aspects of my life, I now feel positive to let go of anything that doesn't make me happy.

The one thing that isn't as easy just to let go of is my terrible back problem which makes me so unhappy, but I am determined to get it fixed and until it is I will not let it get the better of me. I will stop doing anything that aggravates it and not feel bad when the condition prevents me from doing anything and I will no longer feel guilty for asking for help, which I have done so many times in the past!

Maybe yesterdays wobble was the kick up the bottom I needed to force me to refocus.

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