Saturday, 10 September 2016

Lesson 91

Lesson 91 starts with the idea that miracles and vision are linked, but soon turns to strength.

The actual exercise concentrates on reminding oneself that you do have strength, power and certainty.

I like the exercise as it is repetitive and does give some feelings of power.

Sadly, personally, I have had a set back today. I don't know why, because I have been dealing with a lot of my 'issues' calmly and sensibly. Things that's have been getting under my skin so to speak, I have managed to think differently and rationally about. I have no idea why today I temporarily went straight back to my old self and became very upset and lost control of my emotions.

The good news is the feelings only lasted briefly and I brought myself back to my 'new' way of thinking and I am determined to choose only those feelings which make me feel good about myself. I have to find the strength to turn my back on those feelings which make me feel frustrated, angry and especially out of control.

Tomorrow's lesson is an extension on today's so I'm hoping for even more strength.

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