Saturday, 27 August 2016

Lesson 79

Lesson 79 is about recognising your problems so they can be solved.

Often we are carrying around feelings or do stuff which aren't causing us happiness. I know lots of people who detest their jobs and it makes them miserable Monday to Friday and live for the weekend only. The solutions are either change your job (not always that simple) or change your view of the job. If you have a terrible manager who treats you badly, change your view. Know the reason they are treating you like they are is their issue and not really a reflection on you but a reflection on them. Once you really believe that honestly it does get better.

I was listening again to Mike Dooley on Hay House Radio today and he was talking about carrying out actions for the right reasons and not purley for the selfish reasons which only serve the ego. For example if you are invited to a party you know there are going to be lots of people whom could help you with your business or career, why are you saying yes? Is it purley for the reason you can charm the one person who can elevate your status or are you going to see what happens, but ultimately because you know you will have a good time and be happy.

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